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Saturday 3 September 2016

Small Business Tips: 13 Secrets Revealed

Is your small business falling into a dangerous trap? Follow these small business tips and learn from those who have already made some costly mistakes so you don't have to!

business tips

Small Business Tips:

1. Lead with revenue, not expenses. Don't spend before you earn. That also means not purchasing every shiny object.
-- Hold your purchases accountable for what you planned for them. That means use of the class or product you just bought!
-- Hold your expenses accountable for producing promised results. Take action!
2. Be your own guru. All good training is useful. Get a business mentor that can help you. But, stop looking for a know-it-all guru and get going on your 6-month grand goals. This is a huge part in empowering yourself. Knowledge = confidence; Ignorance = fear.
3. Realize this is the new normal. This is the new normal market. Successful marketing today takes dedication, insight, authenticity and action.

4. Follow through and follow up. Any successful business person will tell you that their #1 source of business is repeats and referrals from past clients and centers of influence. If you don't call them, they will forget about you and your offers of expertise.

5. Live in the present. Make money with your business of the moment instead of focusing on what used to be or might be - be present in the here and now.

6. Don't be a seminar junkie and a no-action flunkie. You must do both to succeed! It's not enough to just read about, study, and learn what to do for your marketing and life vision. You also have to take action and DO what you learn, so get out of analysis paralysis and get into action. Get out of your office and network!

7. Know your market stats. How many visitors come to your site each month? How many emails are being opened, or links clicked? What are your clients talking about? These are all essential pieces of information for your strategies and tactics follow through.

8. Understand urgency. Don't take too long to act on responding to questions and comments. Call leads and prospects back immediately and communicate regularly with existing clients.

9. Think like a business owner. Being debt-free IS free. Know your business and personal overhead and make sure you have a business plan. Know how many clients you need to contact in order to close and achieve your goals.

10. Focus on new lead generation daily. Establish minimum standards for the number of contacts you will make per day and become a well-rounded lead generation machine.
-- Will you make 20 calls a day?
-- What is your plan to attract a larger list?
-- How do you stay in contact?
-- How will you earn sales from your relationship building with your client base?

11. It's not a numbers business, it's a people-helping business. Our truest purpose is to be of service to others. Focus on what you're here to give and the income will follow.

12. Don't be phone-phobic. The answer to growing your business may be: "pick up the phone." Cold calling and warm calling just take practice on a daily basis.

13. Write out your Passion and Vision. What is your plan/goals to get your life's dream business and lifestyle?

Only you can make these secret tips work for you - they are only secret, if they are hidden in your business.

8 Top Online Business Tips

Starting an online business is one of the best ways you can achieve financial freedom, and escape the hectic life that characterizes modern careers. Many people understand this fact, and that is the main reason why everyone seems to be going into internet marketing. So, to succeed in online business, you need to stand out from the crowd.
The following online business tips can greatly help you to beat the existing completion, and boost your chances of achieving online business success.
online business tips

1. Strong business research and planning

Research and planning are very important in eCommerce. If you want to start and run a successful online business, you should undertake a diligent research on the existing competition in your niche. Try and find opportunities that are yet to be exploited by your competitors. Once you have identified a market that has not been adequately served, you need to plan how you are going to go get into it.
Determine the potential revenue you can make, the amount of time you will need to break even and all the other vital strategic details.Note that, online business is prone to abrupt, disruptive market changes. It is important for you to be prepared by coming up with plans on how you can manage turbulent times in the market.

2. Quality, unique and attractive website

A quality, attractive and user-friendly business website is a great tool that helps to attract repeat customers. When you are building your site, you need to ensure that it provides a good visual experience. Using beautiful graphic presentations can help you in this regard. It will leave an enduring textual memory in the minds of customers.

3. Robust back-end operations

Back-end operations are the mainstay of a business website. The backend operations of your site must be highly efficient to allow a smooth customer experience. Things like credit card processing, inventory management processing, reporting systems and so on, will play a big role in attracting potential customers.

4. Huge web presence

If you want to succeed in online marketing, you must increase your web presence. Implement an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaign for your site.

5. Business-friendly eCommerce application (Cart)

Business-friendly eCommerce software that makes it easy to run and manage your online business will greatly contribute to your success. Such software should provide a high degree of online security, scalability and customization allowance. It must meet both your present requirements, and future needs.

6. Online customer relationship management

When you are starting out in online business, you must find a way that you can keep your customers coming back. Choose an eCommerce application that comes with customer relationship management capabilities that allows you to keep in touch with your customers. You can inform them about new products, and other updates regarding your online store.

7. Learn fast

To succeed in online marketing, you must learn fast. This is because, as mentioned earlier, disruptive changes are the norm in this business. You must identify new trends that are going to affect your business as fast as possible. If you make mistakes, learn from them and move on. Do not waste your time on them.

8. Build a brand

Lastly, concentrate on building your brand. Make sure that your logo, company's tag line and internet address are consistently present in all your marketing campaigns. This will enable customers to recognize you.

5 Killer Business Tips For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Killer Business Tip #1: Identify Your Purpose

Begin by writing down a statement of purpose that specifies what you will help your prospects achieve. If you understand how using your products or services will help your prospects, you'll be excited to tell them about it. This is where you let your passion drive your business purpose in the first place.
killer business

Killer Business Tip #2: Be Clear About Your Goals

The first principle for success you can apply to your work is to be clear about your goals. And you should be flexible about the process of achieving it. Change is a constant, and this quality of flexibility is the most important single quality that you will need for success in times of rapid and growing changes.

Killer Business Tip #3: Match Up Against Your Competitors

Finding out that your prospect is using a competitor is great news because it means he or she needs what you sell. A rule of thumb is never to directly criticise a competitor. Instead, discuss case histories that demonstrate how customers or clients have realised benefits that only your business can provide.

Killer Business Tip #4: Offer Solutions, Not Features

Usually your customers don't appreciate the "glories" of your product's reputation, the sheer practicality of its design or the cleverness of its title. On the contrary, they're focused on their personal needs and motivation.
Maybe it's a jacket that needs mending. Or a Hi-Fi system gone haywire. They want a solution to their problem, not a product.
They want something to keep themselves warm and they want to enjoy interrupted music. So you've got to present your product as the satisfaction to the need. These motivations are usually "problems" that the prospect will not talk about without asking them some well thought out questions.

Killer Business Tip #5: Testimonials are the Key to Closing Your Sales

By using testimonials (reviews from your satisfied customers) in text, audio or even video format on your website, you not only answer the question, you also provide a credible recommendation for your product or service.
Adding testimonials is probably one of the easiest ways to improve your website, and a good one can generate more sales than some of the best sales copy out there.

These 5 Business Tips Will Increase Your Success

A lot of business people are sitting around scratching their heads wondering, "what happened to my business?"
  • You're living on an overdraft that's overdrawn.
  • You're family and friends keep wondering if you're ever going to "make it work".
  • You're 'friendly bank manager' is not so friendly anymore.
  • The few customers you worked so hard to win are disappearing or 'extending their line of credit' indefinitely.
business tips

So what did happen? A global economic meltdown is "what happened" and things are going to be tough for a while.
However, every cloud has a silver lining and there is opportunity in these times for smart business people who are ready to dig deep and swim against the tide of despair.
Is That YOU?
If that is you - if you're ready to use this 'downtime' to improve your business competitiveness, offer better value and sharpen your focus on your market then read these 5 business tips...
I have chosen for you 5 business tips (out of almost 80) that I used to improve my business. These tips, can make or save you money starting today:
  1. Most (if not all of your competitors) are suffering the same way you are right now. Many of them are simply 'throwing their hands up in the air'. Take advantage of their 'loser' attitudes and work harder than ever before to improve your business. You can look forward to making their customers YOUR customers when their business finally bombs. 
  2. Make the most of your existing client base - make them exclusive special offers, add more value, ask for referrals. It's a lot easier to sell to someone you already sold to than to someone you have no history with.
  3. Is your marketing material working for you? Is it clear to prospects exactly what it is you have to offer them. (Here's a little exercise: Sum up your business in three words or less and do it in 30 seconds). Here's my business summary as an example - Affordable Website Design.
  4. Cut costs. Even the smallest home business is wasting money somewhere. Route it out and cut it out right NOW. Today!
  5. Network. For small businesses this can be the lifeline that will change everything. Get involved with local business networks, enterprise boards, chambers of commerce, whatever. Don't spend all day on Facebook with people you'll never really 'connect with'. Focus on local groups that actually meet in person every month or so. And don't try the hard sell on these people. Networking takes time so relax and just help people out when you can. In time they'll refer prospects to you.
That's just the start and I hope these 5 business tips help inspire you to take positive action to not only survive the recession, but to beat it and profit!

5 Business Tips to Overcome Deadbeat Customers

You've sold the product or provided the service to a customer. Now it's time to receive payment. The deadline for paying the invoice has past. You've not heard from the customer, so you decide to contact the person by phone. The customer agrees to pay you within a week. However, a month has past since that conversation, and you haven't received payment. To avoid such scenarios in the future, use these five business tips.

business tipsChoose your customers wisely

 Before a customer orders goods or services, you can identify the type of person with whom you'll be doing business. Signs of a potential deadbeat customer include a demanding, vague, and uncompromisable demeanor. If you do not have an inclination to do business with this person, it's best to decline. If you're just starting a business, declining a customer may seem like a challenge. You may be wondering where you'll get more clients, since this person is the first to arrive in your business. While it may appear rewarding to accept this customer in the short term, this mistake may end up costing you more in the long run.

Receive your payments upfront

 This is one of the business tips that may seem obvious. However, there are many business owners who are omitting this rule from their business. Whether it's out of fear of not getting more clients or simply their preference, getting paid before the product is sent or service is rendered will save you the time and hassle of having to collect what is rightfully yours. If you're selling products or providing services on the internet, do so on a cash on delivery basis.

Add interest to overdue invoices

 Include a statement on your customer's invoice indicating that interest will be charged if he/she fails to pay the invoice by the deadline mentioned. Make sure that this is included on the invoice before sending the invoice to your customer. Many states forbid interest charges especially in cases where business owners haven't warned their customers beforehand.

Take the upper hand in the matter

 As the business owner, you can withhold certain privileges from the customer. These include services, files, or other property. This is legal in most states. For example, a client has hired you under a work for hire agreement where all the work would become the property of that client. It is recommended that you add a stipulation to the agreement, indicating that all work would become the property of the client once all payments are received.

Contact the billing department

 This is applicable to large companies. Ask to speak with a representative in the billing department. Once you've reached that person, provide him/her with information about the situation. Then, ask for payment to be made by a specified date. If you do not receive payment by that date, contact top management. Your decision to contact the managers of the company will demonstrate the gravity of the situation and the importance of paying the invoice right away.
Once you follow these five business tips, you'll eventually overcome the deadbeat customer scenario.

5 Business Tips Every Business Person Should Know

There are a lot of business tips that are written, published and told to bring us success in business and in entrepreneurship. Some of them may work for you, but others may not. So you should be wise to choose and use what will bring you the best results. The business world is just like any world - a place yet to be fully discovered. The market seems to be crowded, but the actual market can actually be a place with many empty spaces. The following are five secret business tips you should know in doing business and getting its real success.


1. The market is too wide to focus on competition

In business, you can't be too greedy. The market is so wide to share with others. There are still many untapped markets that we need to explore. So instead of focusing on how to beat your business competitors, you can rather concentrate on exploring your mind and imagination. You just need to be creative to discover the several unexploited markets and opportunities out there. Doing business is not all about winning against your competitors, but it's all about winning your customers, your people and yourself. You can do that by always being the best of yourself at your service.

2. You can lose business even before starting it

Holding and not quitting on your business is one of the most important secrets of business success. That is why before you start any business, you should assure that it is strategically planned, well assessed and backed up with all the quantitative (money and time) and qualitative (skills, manpower, passion, etc.,) resources. If you cannot do that, you are just like a soldier who has already lost the war even before going to the battle.

3. It's not all about passion

Business success doesn't equals passion. The formula to success includes many qualities that should be added to your passion. One of these qualities is your intention and action to help and make your costumers satisfied. Passion can't be the only ingredient to any business triumph because it only involves your own happiness. You need to ask and determine what makes your customers happy, and then provide them those things even if it means sacrificing your own enthusiasm. Take note that it's more important to give passion rather than to indulge it on your own.

4. Business development should start on your personal development

You can't develop your business if you can't develop yourself. The reason is that a developed business is one that can develop the lives of its consumers. Thus, it takes a lot of personal development and self growth to develop a business. This includes devoting oneself to quality, integrity, honesty and usability. Remember that greed, lack of self-control, deceit, indolence and procrastination cannot help a business to succeed.

5. You can't always charge it all to your experience

I heard many people saying it's just okay to make mistakes. The truth is it's surely okay to learn from mistakes, but not seems to be okay to just make mistakes. Besides, we do not only acquire lessons from our mistakes, but we can also learn even without committing them. Business errors can be so risky and destructive to the extent that you cannot already recover your lost business. Moreover, many business mistakes are only discovered when it's already too late to save your business. That is why it is very essential that an entrepreneur should always exercise prudence to commit these kinds of mistakes. You cannot charge all your mistakes to your experience. Experience is not only a room for all your mistakes; it is also a room for accurate experiences.
I hope those tips above have helped you become a better business person. Remember that to become a successful person, you need to prepare for success. Finally, do not forget that when you achieve success, you need to share it to others to make it a real success.

15 Business Ideas to Generate Extra Income

If you want or need to start a side job because you still need to wait a little bit longer to start your own business, here are 15 suggestions for you.

business ideas

1. Make money Blogging

If you enjoy writing, find a theme you're passionate about and start a blog dedicated to covering that theme and anything else interesting you enjoy to talk about. All you need is a laptop, some time, and inspiration to consistently write. It can start as a hobby and turn into a business over time. Creating a blog is free, but if you want to look professional it can cost less than $ 12 per month.

2. Buying or selling on eBay

Thanks to internet there are more opportunities to make money than ever to buy and resell products for extra money. There are lots of people buy at a discount and resell them on eBay for profit.

3. Freelance writing

If you're great with words, you might be capable to find some work as an online freelancer. A variety of publications need online content in the form of product, stories, service descriptions, and reports, and if you have the talent and ability, you could easily be the one to create them. Luckily, all you need is a computer and Internet connection to get started. You can start here

4. Social media expert

Now a day almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, but did you know that many companies are willing to compensate people to support them managing their social media accounts and sometimes you can do it part-time from home. If this appeals you, to find social media jobs you can start by writing companies with a social media presence and visiting sites like for opportunities.

5. Proofreading and editing

Do you have strong English skills and outstanding grammar? You may have chances to work as a proof-reader from home. Marketing for this can be hard; seek out those who might actually be able to use your services and advertise directly to them.

6. Virtual assistant

Many companies and individual professionals like having someone who can check and answer their email, organize task lists for them, someone who can update their calendars, and perform other administrative tasks, with minimal communication. The best of being a virtual assistant is that you can offer this service from home with a good Internet connection.

7. Website design

If you know a little bit about web design you can approach small businesses in your community, as they could use a very basic web presence to tell others about their business. These businesses usually don't have a large budget for websites and create a great yet simple website is for you, get a bunch of clients from your local community, create sites for them, and maintains them for a small fee. You can easily get enough businesses to have a nice side business of your own with a low investment.

8. Affiliate marketing

Certain types of online businesses will pay you to promote their products and encourage sales. If you're interested in learning more, check out affiliate marketing programs such as Click-bank, Commission Junction, and these websites are trustworthy and you can earn money by posting their products in your blog, website or Facebook. The secret of online business is all knowing targeting the right public and marketing efficiently. It can be overwhelming with all the information available online as more than 50% of the information is just a waste of time.

9. Become a business or life coach

If you are a good speaker and passionate about the business world and able to inspire and encourage others in a unique way, you could marketing your services as a business or even a life coach. Take your passion and expertise to the next level giving advice and suggest actionable steps people can take to progress their professional and private lives.

10. Start a resume writing service

If you're excellent at writing remarkable resumes that in the end result in people getting the job, contemplate advertising those services. Most of your work will spin around writing, editing, designing, and proofreading, so you will only need few supplies outside of your computer and basic software to get started.

11. App Developer

Web app development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user's device over the Internet. Now a day you can do apps with software's you don't really need to be a weirdo to do it, you can be an app developer for Facebook for instance and of course you can do it part-time and home based.

12. Business Consultant

If you are high organized and skilled being a good problem solver this job is for you. Companies bring Business Consultant to identify their problems, provide solutions and optimize companies. The only investments are your skills.

13. Data Entry Service

Many companies and online businesses require some type of manual information tracking, creating a vast amount of data entry work. Although there are many work-at-home scams related with data entry work, there are a lot of genuine chances available for genuine data entry businesses. If you are an excellent typist with an eye for detail, a data entry business is a great idea for you.

14. Freelance Writer

If you have the skill to write and inform people in a certain area, you can write small books or guides and sell them online, the biggest books platform is, where you can display your books for free and when they are sold, you will receive a percentage from the selling. Payments are made every month depending on your sales. Investment is only your time to write and imagination.

15. Internet Researcher

The Internet provides a vast amount of information. If you can quickly and efficiently navigate through that wealth of information, and essentially find a needle in a haystack, you can create a very successful business as an Internet researcher. Search for this kind of job online or about a company which is looking for this of service.

I give you only a glimpse what you could do, and these are just a few ideas, but many ideas were left behind.

First of all I advise you to think what you like to do as a hobby or in your free time, why don't you make profit from what you are doing already?

You have the world as your disposal, but for a business to work out the first thing from all things is, it doesn't matter what you intent to do, but you have to love it. If you love what you do it doesn't feel like a job, you will be doing it with joy and this way you will be successful.

There are some side business opportunities that have grown more common in the past few years. And thanks to internet you have much more opportunities, ideas and help to develop your business.