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Saturday 3 September 2016

These 5 Business Tips Will Increase Your Success

A lot of business people are sitting around scratching their heads wondering, "what happened to my business?"
  • You're living on an overdraft that's overdrawn.
  • You're family and friends keep wondering if you're ever going to "make it work".
  • You're 'friendly bank manager' is not so friendly anymore.
  • The few customers you worked so hard to win are disappearing or 'extending their line of credit' indefinitely.
business tips

So what did happen? A global economic meltdown is "what happened" and things are going to be tough for a while.
However, every cloud has a silver lining and there is opportunity in these times for smart business people who are ready to dig deep and swim against the tide of despair.
Is That YOU?
If that is you - if you're ready to use this 'downtime' to improve your business competitiveness, offer better value and sharpen your focus on your market then read these 5 business tips...
I have chosen for you 5 business tips (out of almost 80) that I used to improve my business. These tips, can make or save you money starting today:
  1. Most (if not all of your competitors) are suffering the same way you are right now. Many of them are simply 'throwing their hands up in the air'. Take advantage of their 'loser' attitudes and work harder than ever before to improve your business. You can look forward to making their customers YOUR customers when their business finally bombs. 
  2. Make the most of your existing client base - make them exclusive special offers, add more value, ask for referrals. It's a lot easier to sell to someone you already sold to than to someone you have no history with.
  3. Is your marketing material working for you? Is it clear to prospects exactly what it is you have to offer them. (Here's a little exercise: Sum up your business in three words or less and do it in 30 seconds). Here's my business summary as an example - Affordable Website Design.
  4. Cut costs. Even the smallest home business is wasting money somewhere. Route it out and cut it out right NOW. Today!
  5. Network. For small businesses this can be the lifeline that will change everything. Get involved with local business networks, enterprise boards, chambers of commerce, whatever. Don't spend all day on Facebook with people you'll never really 'connect with'. Focus on local groups that actually meet in person every month or so. And don't try the hard sell on these people. Networking takes time so relax and just help people out when you can. In time they'll refer prospects to you.
That's just the start and I hope these 5 business tips help inspire you to take positive action to not only survive the recession, but to beat it and profit!

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