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Saturday 3 September 2016

5 Killer Business Tips For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Killer Business Tip #1: Identify Your Purpose

Begin by writing down a statement of purpose that specifies what you will help your prospects achieve. If you understand how using your products or services will help your prospects, you'll be excited to tell them about it. This is where you let your passion drive your business purpose in the first place.
killer business

Killer Business Tip #2: Be Clear About Your Goals

The first principle for success you can apply to your work is to be clear about your goals. And you should be flexible about the process of achieving it. Change is a constant, and this quality of flexibility is the most important single quality that you will need for success in times of rapid and growing changes.

Killer Business Tip #3: Match Up Against Your Competitors

Finding out that your prospect is using a competitor is great news because it means he or she needs what you sell. A rule of thumb is never to directly criticise a competitor. Instead, discuss case histories that demonstrate how customers or clients have realised benefits that only your business can provide.

Killer Business Tip #4: Offer Solutions, Not Features

Usually your customers don't appreciate the "glories" of your product's reputation, the sheer practicality of its design or the cleverness of its title. On the contrary, they're focused on their personal needs and motivation.
Maybe it's a jacket that needs mending. Or a Hi-Fi system gone haywire. They want a solution to their problem, not a product.
They want something to keep themselves warm and they want to enjoy interrupted music. So you've got to present your product as the satisfaction to the need. These motivations are usually "problems" that the prospect will not talk about without asking them some well thought out questions.

Killer Business Tip #5: Testimonials are the Key to Closing Your Sales

By using testimonials (reviews from your satisfied customers) in text, audio or even video format on your website, you not only answer the question, you also provide a credible recommendation for your product or service.
Adding testimonials is probably one of the easiest ways to improve your website, and a good one can generate more sales than some of the best sales copy out there.

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